Many postdocs realize that they are working a contract position that will eventually expire. The thought of ‘what comes next’ can be extremely daunting; especially considering the reality that most will not end up in academia. It can be intimidating and overwhelming to explore the endless possibilities of what you can do next. More often than not, the biggest hurdles […]
Is A PhD Really Worth It? Or A Waste of Time?
Some may look back 5 years or even 10 years post-PhD and say it was definitely worth it. Others may be fresh out of graduate school and have a different view/opinion or may only feel frustration. It may be defined by the job you ended up with (or ultimately want), the opportunities that your PhD […]
Welcome To The ‘Academic Fight Club’
Welcome to the ‘Academic Fight Club’. Here are the rules: 1st RULE: You do not talk about Academic Fight Club. 2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about Academic Fight Club. 3rd RULE: If someone goes emotionally limp towards academic bench science and taps out, their existence is over. 4th RULE: There are only two ways […]
Grad Student Advice Series: Approaching Your Advisor About Alternative PhD Careers
Doctoral students in many disciplines realize the odds are against them. But students are often afraid to approach their advisers about other nonfaculty career choices, for fear of disapproval. And the professors themselves may not know how to advise students about any other careers than the research life, although given the dismal job-market statistics in […]
Life After Grad School: What Matters and What Doesn’t
Pure research is a wonderful thing; the ivory-tower isolation, the focus, and the unhurried pace may be the only way that some problems can be attacked. In taking a job, you’ll trade that life for a steady paycheck and a universe of opportunities to work with other people on fantastic projects. Putting it in Perspective […]
One Step At A Time: Bridging the Gap Between Academia and Industry
Industry-Academia Interactions: Bridging the Gap By Ryan Raver **This is a very complex and deep topic, hence the reason for the long, informative blog post** With Stagnant NIH funding for the past decade or so, and dim job prospects, PhDs in the life sciences are now seeking alternatives. ‘Non-traditional’ careers are seemingly becoming traditional. There […]
The Present Day “Post-Doc Crisis”
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