How A Rock Band Helped Save My PhD

When I look back on graduate school the one thing that I am forever grateful for is the fact I played in a rock band. It was a way to escape all the frustration. When an experiment failed or when I felt like a failure in lab, I was up on stage having fun. And […]

Awesome Grad Student Advice for New and Current PhD Students

Advice From Someone Who Has Learned The Ropes This guest post contains unique PhD student advice and is tailored to someone who is just starting out graduate school. For example, what are some real life advice and experience that will truly help a 1st or 2nd year (or later) PhD student? So, here are the […]

Why Relationships Matter In Grad School: 5 Ways To Maintain

Story Context First of all, I would like to thank Ryan for the opportunity to contribute to his site. As a former student, I know how important it is for graduate students to have a community for emotional support and to stay on top of valuable resources (as this article will touch on). After I finished my […]

6 Ways To Survive Grad School and Achieve Work-Life Balance

Most people don’t want to admit the struggles they went through in grad school or even relive those memories. Working weekends and late nights are just one example. What I want to share with you are things that people take for granted. The things that get you through the Daily Grind of Grad School (all […]