Why Relationships Matter In Grad School: 5 Ways To Maintain

Story Context First of all, I would like to thank Ryan for the opportunity to contribute to his site. As a former student, I know how important it is for graduate students to have a community for emotional support and to stay on top of valuable resources (as this article will touch on). After I finished my […]

The Top 10 Most Memorable Lessons And Things I Learned In Grad School

What I Learned Overall While Pursuing My PhD After reading the article, “3 qualities of successful PhD students: Perseverance, tenacity, and cogency”, as well as Phillip Guo’s PhD Grind Epilogue/20 memorable lessons, I decided to write a series of articles stemming from both of these. I am 6 months away from graduation and wanted to […]

All PhD’s are NOT created Equal

Guest Post: The Sham Ph.D The experiences I share in this post will be an eye-opener for many readers. Anyone who has been a university professor for more than a few years, on the other hand, probably won’t be too surprised. In fact, I’ll bet some experienced academics will remember having witnessed similar shenanigans from […]

The Top 10 Downsides of Graduate School

1) You miss out on valuable real-world experience working your way up in an established career. Not only experience but also opportunity. 2) You miss out on earning a real income. 3) You spend the best part of your life, your 20’s (in most cases), in school. It’s also a huge time investment and takes a […]

6 Ways To Survive Grad School and Achieve Work-Life Balance

Most people don’t want to admit the struggles they went through in grad school or even relive those memories. Working weekends and late nights are just one example. What I want to share with you are things that people take for granted. The things that get you through the Daily Grind of Grad School (all […]

Blogging Your Way Through Grad School

How Writing A Science Blog Can Save Your PhD: